Aim – The aim is to have as many people around the county do something daft to raise money for Birk Crag.
When – any time around Thinking Day 22nd Feb to International Women’s Day 8th March.
Step 1:
Talk to your unit – what would your young members like to see you doing? Dressing up? Sitting in a bucket of baked beans? Singing on stage? It doesn’t have to be difficult, just a little bit outside your normal comfort zone!
Step 2:
Make a plan to do this thing – it can be in your unit meeting, but if you have a district event, or local non-guiding event that you can wrap it up into, then consider this too!
Step 3:
Ask for sponsorship. Set up a justgiving page, or hand out old fashioned sponsor forms. Spread the word around your local area & ask for extra support from local businesses. – click on the ‘be a fundraiser’ button to set up a personalised fundraiser for your activity.
Step 4:
Let as many people in your local area know about it. Facebook, local news, local radio, school newsletter – the more the merrier.
Step 5:
Do your silly thing and share photos & stories with the county team, via facebook, email ( or whatsapp.
If you’re stuck for ideas, google ‘silly fundraising ideas’.
This can be just a leader doing some thing (like sitting in a bath of beans) or it could be the whole unit (flash mob during a local event) or it could be parents & carers too.
Stay safe – please make sure that any activities are risk assessed & appropriate precautions are taken to ensure they are run safely.
Stay compliant – please make sure any fundraising monies are banked promptly and accounted for through your unit accounts.
Stay happy – don’t push anyone too far out of their comfort zone!